Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.

- Cindy Ross

Etapp 04 - Tjäktastugan - Sälkastugorna
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 04 - Tjäktastugan - Sälkastugorna

Through this section of the trail, you pass the highest point of Kungsleden. Despite this, it is not the most challenging climb of the route. Even during the summer months, there will be blankets of snow to cross. Keep a careful watch on the ground and probe ahead with a hiking pole or stick. There can be a sudden drop of as much of a foot where stones below the snow have shifted.

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Etapp 03 - Alesjaurestugorna - Tjäktastugan
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 03 - Alesjaurestugorna - Tjäktastugan

This section of the trail is mostly through a wide valley with spectacular mountains all around. It's a reasonably gentle hike, with some areas over wood planks. (Be cautious here if the weather is wet as it is easy to slip on the untreated wood). The second half of this section is quite rocky, and as you reach the STF cabin, you come close to a narrow but impressive river carved from the rock.

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