Route 8 - Entré Syd to Skuleberget

Route 8 - Entré Syd to Skuleberget

Trail Information

Distance: 9.7km

Difficulty: Intermediate

Transport: Bus stops at Skuleberget E4 And Docksta Busstation


The Experience

Day 2

The south entrance is much like the north, with toilets, and sheltered seatings with a fire-pit and various rubbish bins. There is a view point back over the forest (or forward across what you will see if you are hiking north to south.

Käl was advertised in the guide book as a spot to get fresh water and seemed a good target for my lunch. It was mentioned on a few signs with one saying it was only 100m away. When I reached a main road, with a picnic table and a stream running pleasantly over some rocks I assumed I had found it and stopped for food. I had not found Käl, when I checked google maps, I found that the place I was looking for was still a good few kilometres away.

Käl is quaint, pictures and a wonderful place to stop for water. The hamlet of Käl is on the “main” road tot he nature reserve and has an old well, which has been boarded up and a fresh water pipe run to it offering drinking water and suggesting a donation to Greenpeace’s clean seas campaign decorated by local children. An old bench is next to the well offering a place to sit and rest.

After Käl, you follow the main road for a time and before you go down hill you should go straight on into the forest. I missed this change and ended up at the bottom of the hill, by the coast. I did not have the energy at this point to go back up the hill, so I missed out on the waterfall side trail I’d been planning to see.

I was feeling the distance I’d covered at this point and my original plan of camping near the waterfall wasn’t going to happen so I passed through Käxed, officially a village, on the cost, but more a collection of houses. There was too much civilisation on this route to use the wild camping, everywhere was someones house, so I hiked along the road aiming to reach Skuleberget Havscamping as my target to end, on the ocean so I was planning to setup my tent, have a swim and maybe a shower. Unfortunately the campsite is only for RVs, not tent campers, but they were very helpful giving me directions to the nearby tent campsite, though it was another three to four kilometres away.

The route took me along a motorway, (I later found had I crossed the motorway I’d have been on the High Coast trail and off the main roads) before I turned down to the campsite, set alongside a large lake.



Route 7 - Skuleberget to Skoved


Route 9 - Skuleskogens Nationalpark