Route 6 - Skoved - Ullånger

Route 6 - Skoved - Ullånger

Trail Information

Distance: 10.5km

Difficulty: Intermediate

Transport: Bus stop Ullånger. Taxi to High Coast Airport


Accommodation & Shopping


Centrally located and right on the trail, the Ullånger Hotell is nice, clean and the staff and friendly and helpful. There is a tourist kiosk offering information on the high coast and a restaurant with a small but tasty breakfast selection included in the cost of the room. 

It is one of only two places to eat out in the town, the other being Caesars Pizza at the far end of the town, a typical Swedish pizza joint. The evening I was there, they were having an event, and so the restaurant was fully booked, but they nicely sent a meal to my room. Its worth noting the restaurant is closed on Sundays.


The Experience


After leaving Skoved, you are heading back into the forest, but on regular roadways rather than trails. You also pass a tiny homestead or hamlet with a couple of houses and the 64km sign, marking the midway point of the High Coast trail. There is no other sign of reaching the middle.

You head along to the hamlet of Mäja and then up a long winding hill to Mäjasjöns Fäbodar a scenic spot with cabins, a large late and drinking water as well as a number of historic buildings which have been transported and rebuilt in the area. It’s a lovely spot, and a popular one for locals.

There is then a short hike up to the summit of the nearby hill, Äskjaberget, which also has one of the best equipped cabins in the area, maintained by locals, it is more of a house than camping cabin.

The final few kilometres are downhill into Ullånger town, cutting swiftly from dark forests to open roads.



Trail 03 - Tärnekullerundan


Route 7 - Skuleberget to Skoved