Etapp 07 - Fontin to Grandalen

Etapp 07 - Fontin to Grandalen

A much easier trail than the previous two sections with limited changes in altitude and good pathways. The trail opens out into more settled areas, going through fields, and along a few roads. Past Diseröd a chance to climb a small mountain can be taken.

Trail Information

16 kilometres long, and reasonable to hike, we only completed a portion of this trail, deciding to stop at Diseröd and take the bus home from there. The trail continues past Diseröd south around the back of a large hill and ends in Kungälv.

Access to this section is easy, Kungälv has great transport links and is the southern end of the trail and regular busses run to Diseröd which is perhaps 5 kilometres from the northern end of the trail.

Distance: 16 Kilometres

Difficulty: Easy

Transport: Train or Bus

Terrain: Forest


Accommodation & Shopping

Lake Romesjön

A large wind shelter, drop toilets, bin and tables as well as a pontoon into the lake make this a picturesque place to stop and stay. There is not a lot of space for tents, so you make need to move on.


Lake Romesjön

A wide lake with a lot of options for recreation and relaxation. its a good spot to break for lunch or the evening.

Mount Aleklätten

5km north of Kungälv, the trail skirts the mountain, but a side trail can be taken to reach the top and see the views.



01 - Machame Gate - Machame Camp


Etapp 08 - Grandalen to Bottenstugan