Etapp 05 - Sälkastugorna - Singistugorna

Etapp 05 - Sälkastugorna - Singistugorna

Much of Kungsleden follows North to South canyons, but this section gives you the chance to look into those valleys crossing West to East as well. If the weather is clear, you can see Sweden's highest mountain, Kebnekaise in the distance and many follow the side trail from STF Singi.

The trail is easy, staying low and close to the rivers. As you approach STF Singi, you see one of the rare Arctic settlements, this one of Sami on the peninsular of Kårtjevolle a kilometre or so before Singi.

Trail Information

Distance: 12km

Difficulty: Easy

Transport: None

Resupply: Sälkastugorna is an average SFT shop, so offers all the basics you'll need and a few luxuries you may want.


Accommodation & Shopping

STF Sälkastugorna

Set in a lovely spot, in the branch of a river, you cross a few small bridges to reach it, up on a small hill, which protects it from flooding and from being too snowed in. They nicely opened the shop for me even though its normally only open from 4pm. (and before 10am), so I got a Whole Earth cola and a snack and sat by the woodstove for a half-hour to warm up.


Side Trails


A gorge cut into the landscape just before Kårtjevuolle, with an iron bridge crossing it. There is something of a detour to find it, as the main trail, any view is obstructed by lower ledges of stone.


A small collection of houses and Sami huts just before Singistugorna


The Experience

Day 04 - 22nd:

Sälkastugorna, like all STF stations, has a weatherboard for travellers to check in on. Info received over the radio is limited, but enough to give you an indication of what to expect. Wednesday afternoon was due to have 2mm of rain, rising to 4mm between 6pm and midnight and a significant 11m until morning with a similar pattern expected over the next few days. I decided to replan, push longer and harder that day to reach the following STF site and camp there with their additional facilities, giving me a more of a shot to overnight at the Bus stop and limit my time in the rain by taking a morning bus.

After walking on for a time, I stopped at the map's meditation spot to collect myself and write a little. I also paused to strip off my mid-layer as the excersize was more than a balance for the cold, and the jacket kept the wind out well.

As I approached the STF station, I missed out on a spectacular gorge but seeing the Sami community was like a little slash of civilization in the expansive open wilderness.

Shortly after the gorge and community is Singi, a small collection of SFT huts easily visible on the trail and my destination for the evening.

Song in head: Bibbity Bobbity Boo

Approx 21//19km

Total: 73km (by the book) 16.57%



Etapp 06 - Singistugorna - Kaitumjaurestugorna


Etapp 04 - Tjäktastugan - Sälkastugorna