Etapp 24 - Viterskalet to Hemavan

Etapp 24 - Viterskalet to Hemavan

The final stage on the King's Trail has many signs of civilization as this section is also heavily used in winter for skiing. There is a reasonably steep uphill section before you head downhill into Hemavan. The final kilometres into Hemavan are on real roads when you reach the Naturum and the archway signalling Kungsleden's end.

Trail Information

Distance: 11km

Difficulty: Easy

Transport: None

Resupply: Viterskalet has a full STF shop, with snacks, soft drinks and light beers, and dried food.


Accommodation & Shopping

STF Fjällstuga Viterskalet

STF Fjällstuga Viterskalet

Viterskalet is a good-sized STF cabin with a full shop assortment, woodshed (which I used to saw my hiking staff in half for carriage on the plane), recycling, and accommodation. There is also plenty of fresh water in the nearby streams.


The Experience

Day 25 - 12th:

After dropping my stuff at Viterskalet and doing Norra Sytertoppen, I returned to Viterskalet, collected my equipment and did a kilometre or two past the stugan to find a campsite, which ended up having a herd of reindeer walk in front of me on the other side of the trail as I was in my tent.

Total: 408km (98%) / 420.5km

Approx: 14km (+12.5km Detour)

Head Music: Jingle Horse


Day 26 - 13th:

8:30 am start to my last day. I was awake early and hit the trail, ready to reach civilisation. It a lot like the section to reach Viterskalet, grass, dirt and rocks. I passed a small herd of reindeer before reaching the uphill section, which is quite steep.

Hemavan Ski Station in the mist

Probably half the trail is like this before you reach the ski station and the first real sign of the town of Hemavan. The station looms up at you in the fog and as you move down into a birch forest with many streams.

Ski lifts in Summer

You pass a lot of ski lifts on the way down from the ski station as well as some lovely houses.

Final kilometre

It is a pretty walk, although the final kilometre was under some construction work.

The end of Kungsleden

You pass by the Naturum gardens on your right before breaking out into a road with the symbolic Kungsleden sign. Whilst it is a kilometre or two from here into the heart of Hemavan, this is the end of Kungsleden. The trail is done.

Getting into town takes you along some 'main' roads and past the Naturum and the Mountain Station.

Approx: 11km

Total: 419km - Book 418km +13km detour.

Head Music: I am 16 going on 17



Etapp 25 - Hemavan


Etapp 23 - Syter to Viterskalet