Etapp 12 - Pårtestugan - Kvikkjokk
Walking along lake edges for much of this section, Pårtestugan to Kvikkjokk is a fairly easy hike through forests, and there is even Dáhtá beach to relax on if you choose to. It is mostly through humid forests with some really nice bridges over the numerous waterways, its an easy trail into Kvikkjokk.
Trail Information
Distance: 16km
Difficulty: Easy
Transport: None
Resupply: None
Accommodation & Shopping
STF Pårte Fjällstuga
A few hundred meters off the main trail, Pårtestugan sits in a bend in a wide river and consists of two main buildings. A hosts cottage and one for campers. There are plenty of spots under the trees to pitch your tents if you want to.
There is not store in the cabin, though you can, of course, buy the patches.
The host was excellent, amiable, and so was her dog. She excitedly told me how she'd finally figured out how to sleep without being disturbed by the mosquitos—a combination of repellant, netting and sleeping bag.
The Experience
Day 10 - 28th:
I met up with a friend in Pårte, who was doing a few days on the trail. We'd planned to meet up in Kvikkjokk but ran into each other early. The trail was wet and muddy, though the weather itself was reasonable. I stopped about an hour past Pårte for lunch after running into the girl from the Boat across the lake, who'd just finished her lunch at a nice little spot by a river. Between the humidity and the trees, it was a fairly high mosquito area, however.
The forests are lovely, but the mosquitos do make the whole process frustrating as you don't want to pause to take in the sights as if you do, you start getting eaten alive.
The second half of the day was miserable—a particular blow after the good morning of weather, sights and people. The route, about ten kilometres, was full of deep mud, unstable rocks and water. It was a long slog.
Wooden bridge over the rapid river
I stopped for the evening at a dedicated campsite with drop toilets, just off the trail and right by a fast-paced river and impressive wooden bridge. I got the tent up as the rain was gently coming down and before it really started to fall.
A short journey remained the following day to Kvikkjokk, only a couple of hours, but it may be tough. I hope to arrive before midday, get everything charging and dry for a day before I head off to the least travelled section of the King's Trail.
My mood had been low all afternoon; everything was harder than I wanted it to be.
Approx 14.4km
Total: 165 (37%)
Head music: Robyn - Dancing on my own
Day 11 - 29th:
8:30 start to the day, not planed, but I was awake by 7:20, and there was a break in the rain, so I had breakfast, finishing up my food and headed off. The trail was a lot better than the night before, but with some side stretches of waterlogged trail. Meaning either going around or just wading through. I was more willing to risk my boots getting damp given I was so close to Kvikkjokk and a drying room than I would have been otherwise.
Nearly to Kvikkjokk
I got to Kvikkjokk Fjällstation by 10:30, way ahead of my initial plans, giving me a solid twenty-two and a half hours with nothing much to do.