Trail 04 - Trehörningsrundan

Trail 04 - Trehörningsrundan

Distance: 9.5km

The longest single trail in the park, the purple Trehörningsrundan, circumnavigates the lake. Entering from Vitsands it would be easy to assume it is an easy and often walkwayed hike, but it is actually one of the most challenging to complete. Whist near to the entrances it is quite accessible, in other areas, you will be scrambling up rocks, hiking up and down steep inclines, and taking in some of the best views in the park. All of the other trails intersect with Trail 4, and so you’ll likely be completing parts of it regardless of other plans.

Käringaudden Campsite

A short walk from the Vitsands entrance is Käringaudden, one of the two places you can camp in Tiveden’s national park. Please expect to be sharing the campsite with others, but there is a good amount of space to use, though much of it is on a slight incline, so it is best to pay attention to how you align your tent. There is wood, and tools for cutting provided firewood, a good-sized fire pit with benches and a drop toilet (though its only a ten minute walk back to the vitsands entrance which has nicer toilet options. The campsite is on the main trail and easily found, and fronts onto the lake giving nice views in the evening and mornings, though of course, this does bring with it additional mosquitoes.


Approximately a twenty-minute walk from the Ösjönäs entrance is Mellannäsudden campsite, you have to hike a short trail through knee-high undergrowth before reaching it, and it is the mirror image of Käringaudden, being on the south of the lake. Again there is a drop toilet, fire pit with benches and wood supply. There seems to be more camping space here than at Käringaudden, but it also had more visitors, perhaps because it is more secluded.

Giant’s Kettle

A short walk off the trail and easily accessible via car was the Giant's Kettle, a stone formation in a shaped bowl, large enough for a giant to cook in. There is not much else here, and so it is worth a visit if you are passing by, but better to make an effort to see Junker Jäger’s stone. 


Trail 01 - Trollkyrkerundan


Trail 05 - Oxögabergsrundan