Trail 03 - Tärnekullerundan

Trail 03 - Tärnekullerundan

Distance: 1.3 KM

The trail is a loop near to the Vitsands entrance, and comes off trail 4 (which circles the lake).

Tärnekullerundan was perhaps the best trail in the park that we hiked despite being 1.3 kilometres long. It cuts through some beautiful terrain, and its highlight is Vitsandsgrottorna, the white sand caves. About halfway around the park, the caves at first appears to be a collection of boulders with a small shelter you can get into. Still, you then realise to continue with the trail; you have to climb up a rock pile and through a rock archway, which then presents you with great views over the north entrance to the park.

The trail then curls back around through a small crevice and woodland before coming back to the main trail and where you started.

In terms of terrain and hiking, there is a lot for your time in such a small trail.


The grotto is made of boulders brought to the area in the last ice age, approximately 10,000 years ago, and gives you a chance to climb up then and through to the next portion of the trail.



Trail 07 - Junker Jägarerundan


Route 6 - Skoved - Ullånger