Etapp 09 Bottenstugan to Lysevatten

Etapp 09 Bottenstugan to Lysevatten

Running through Svartedalen, the Black Valley, this is a challenging section of the hike, with a lot of climbing and descending. There are plenty of lakes, but few moving rivers, so be aware of water needs. There are several good huts on the trail, as well as a lot of places to stop and camp.

Trail Information

The trail is marked as difficult and goes through some heavily wooded areas with some steep climbs. In total it is 12 kilometres. Mobile coverage in this section is very limited.

Starting from this section required a bus to Stenungsund and then taking a taxi to the start of the trail.

Distance: 12 kilometers

Difficulty: Difficult

Transport: Taxi

Terrain: Heavy Woodland


Accommodation & Shopping

Vindskydd Stora Hästevatten

Only a few kilometres from the start of the trail, this hut has a fire pit and wood store and is right next to a large lake. The trail is very good to this point. There is no toilet, however.

Vindskydd Härsvattnet

Deeply cool-shaped huts mark this location. Their tent shape and half doors make this a very distinctive spot. The view is good over the lake and benches surround a fire pit. No toilet.


View from Lake Härsvatten cliff

From the top of the cliff on the north end of Lake Härsvatten, there is a lovely view.



Etapp 08 - Grandalen to Bottenstugan

