Etapp 15 - Metsjö to Kaserna

Etapp 15 - Metsjö to Kaserna

Trail Information

The route goes through the varied and sometimes dramatic countryside through dense spruce woodland, steep cliff-edges, past lakes, and an old rural landscape. A relatively long stretch of 17km, it has a difficult rating, mostly for a moderately hilly number of uphill sections.

When you get to Munkedale, there is either a 5km hike or a taxi from Uddevalla to reach the trail. Taxi fare can be quite expensive due to the distance from Uddevale, except at least 800 kronor.

Distance: 17km

Difficulty: Difficult

Transport: Taxi

Terrain: Woodland


Accommodation & Shopping

There are multiple stopping points on this section of the trail, ranging from small clearings with a fire pit to Modalen, a rentable hut with drop toilet, shelter, fire pit & soft ground.

There are some old stone walls and a slow-moving stream a short walk away just outside the site.



Early on, if walking south, there is a remarkable bridge to cross the river.

Fingers Grotto

Near to the main campsite, there is the Fingers Grotto.

The Fingers are not caves but shapes in the rock that looks from above to be fingers. Bandits used them as a base and protection from the elements.

Övre Trästickeln

Lake Övre Trästickeln is beautiful, and it was the border country in the fighting between Sweden and Norway right up until the 1700s.



Etapp 14 - Bjursjön to Metsjö

