Etapp 14 - Bjursjön to Metsjö

Etapp 14 - Bjursjön to Metsjö

Trail Information

A shorter stage of only 13km is marked as a difficult trail and has some areas with ropes to assist climbing; it also has some steep slopes to hike. The final third of the trail, as you reach stage 13, is comfortable.

Distance: 13km

Difficulty: Medium

Transport: None

Terrain: Woodland


Accommodation & Shopping


A 14-bed teepee on an outcropping of rock facing the water, a fire pit and easy access to swimming makes this a popular place to stay.


Our overnight was at Hallestugan, a big cabin you can rent a bed at, or there are several prime spots for tent camping. On its outcropping of the hill, the first was taken by some kids out for the weekend. We camped in a second space past the main building in the land previously used as a house. Many stones remain, and one room, complete with a doorway, is in good condition.

Freshwater from the pump is readily available, and several toilets in good condition. A dock gives easy access to the ice-cold lake water for any who wish to swim.



Vastra Krokevattnet Gumperod

Along the trail, you pass two stone pillars. These mark the entrance to the remains of a family building from the 1600s.

Hallestugan's History

Just past the main building, a small clearing waits. As you look, more and more stones become apparent until you realise you are looking at foundations. Constructed in 1888 by a brother-in-law of Olòf Jonassonit is mostly in ruins, but one room, complete with a door beneath a large tree, remains.


One hundred fifty years ago, beside the trail on the river, stood a small watermill and mill house. Little remains but ruins, but in places, the curious can still find the mill wheels used for other purposes.


An open-air museum dating from the 1600s, Åleslån offers benches, a fire pit, water and potential camping spots. In the summer months, it is open as a museum showcasing life in the 1600s.





Etapp 15 - Metsjö to Kaserna