Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.

- Cindy Ross

Etapp 10 - Sitojaurestugorna - Aktse
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 10 - Sitojaurestugorna - Aktse

Starting with a nice boat ride across Sitojaure, the hike following landing is a stretch through the forest as you climb higher and higher and break the tree-line before a short plateau walk and then a steep climb down, which becomes very steep approaching Aktse.

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Etapp 09 - Saltoluokta fjällstation - Sitojaurestugorna
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 09 - Saltoluokta fjällstation - Sitojaurestugorna

Almost immediately into a heavy green forest, there is a short but steep climb upwards before plateauing and having a consistent hike along the grasslands. The final stretch into Sito is a reasonably gentle downhill walk. As an easy hike, you can make perfect time between these two points, but given the fixed boat schedule from Sito, this may leave you cooling your heels in the STF station.

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