Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.

- Cindy Ross

Etapp 06 - Singistugorna - Kaitumjaurestugorna
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 06 - Singistugorna - Kaitumjaurestugorna

This section runs alongside the sizable Tjäktjajäkka river and has several places where you likely need to remove your shoes to wade across the stone beds of smaller feeder streams. Deep enough that its unwise to cross just trusting to your boots waterproofing the water is bitingly cold on your feet and it is very much worth bringing some boat shoes with a grip, just for these crossings.

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Etapp 05 - Sälkastugorna - Singistugorna
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 05 - Sälkastugorna - Singistugorna

Much of Kungsleden follows North to South canyons, but this section gives you the chance to look into those valleys crossing West to East as well. If the weather is clear, you can see Sweden's highest mountain, Kebnekaise in the distance and many follow the side trail from STF Singi.

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