Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.

- Cindy Ross

Etapp 12 - Pårtestugan - Kvikkjokk
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 12 - Pårtestugan - Kvikkjokk

Walking along lake edges for much of this section, Pårtestugan to Kvikkjokk is a fairly easy hike through forests, and there is even Dáhtá beach to relax on if you choose to. It is mostly through humid forests with some really nice bridges over the numerous waterways, its an easy trail into Kvikkjokk.

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Etapp 11 - Aktse - Pårtestugan
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 11 - Aktse - Pårtestugan

The boat is a short walk from Aktse, so make sure you leave time to reach it before the departure time. The trip is a short hop over Lájtávrre and then a hike through forest and marshland before you climb the edge of a hill.

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