Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.
- Cindy Ross

Etapp 07 - Fontin to Grandalen
A much easier trail than the previous two sections with limited changes in altitude and good pathways. The trail opens out into more settled areas, going through fields, and along a few roads. Past Diseröd a chance to climb a small mountain can be taken.

Etapp 09 Bottenstugan to Lysevatten
Running through Svartedalen, the Black Valley, this is a challenging section of the hike, with a lot of climbing and descending. There are plenty of lakes, but few moving rivers, so be aware of water needs. There are several good huts on the trail, as well as a lot of places to stop and camp.

One of the amazing things about living in Gothenburg is the closeness to nature. A few of us left from work on a Friday and took the train up to Surtesjön, a lake north of Gothenburg. A quick hike from the station and we found a spot for camping, cooking and swimming by the edge of the lake.

Etapp 25 - Hemavan
Not really a town so much as a shopping mall with a collection of accommodation and ski options, Hemavan sits on Bluvågen and acts as either the start or end of the trail.

Etapp 24 - Viterskalet to Hemavan
The final stage on the King's Trail, the trail has many signs of civilization as this section is also heavily used in winter for skiing. There is a reasonably steep uphill section before you head downhill into Hemavan. The final kilometre or so into Hemavan is on real roads when you reach the Naturum and the archway signalling Kungsleden's end.

Etapp 23 - Syter to Viterskalet
Starting at the King's Trail's oldest cabin, the section between Syter and Viterskalet offers one of the best views of the trail, the entrance to the final valley with Norra Sytertoppen on one side. (The hike up to Norra Sytertoppen is a wonderful side trail and worth the climb) Once you enter the valley, the trail is easy and even, and the scenery remains spectacular.

Etapp 22 - Tärnasjö to Syter
Perhaps a unique section of the trail, you walk along the water’s edge for much of the 14 kilometres between Tärnasjö and Syter, passing several bathing spots and sand beaches before hiking over a series of bridges connect many islands. The final uphill section to Syter is quite tough after an otherwise easy stroll.

Etapp 21 - Serve to Tärnasjö
The trail between these two cabins is fairly up and down but not very steep, and so its more a hill walk than a climb. The scenery is beautiful through this reasonably short section of the trail.

Etapp 20 - Aigert to Serve
Lush grassland gives way to rocks and pools as you climb ever higher on the trail from Aigert to Serve. This section has the highest point and the steepest ongoing climb of the Southern part of the King's Trail (Tjäkta being the highest overall). After reaching the emergency cabin at Juovvatjåhkka, you have a fast climb down before a shorter hump and an eight-kilometre gentle descent to reach Serve.

Etapp 19 - Ammarnäs to Aigert
A short trail and starting from the town of Ammarnäs, it quickly moves into beach forests with some spectacular waterfalls to cross on bridges. Following breaching the treeline, you have a short walk, with great views back over Ammarnäs and the delta before reaching Aigert and its two small lakes.

Etapp 18 - Rävfallet to Ammarnäs
At 21 kilometres, this section is about average but starts, after crossing the river at Rävfallet, with a steep uphill climb to reach the plateau, which takes up most of your hike. The downhill at the end gets very steep into Ammarnäs as you're crossing a ski slope. The final section from the bottom of the trail into the centre of Ammarnäs is on tarmac roads.

Etapp 15 - Vuonatjviken to Jäkkvik
A challenging uphill hike from Vuonatjviken South to the tree-line turns into a simple hike across the plateaus, ending with a long forest hike into Jakkvikk, with a short stretch on a resupply road. A few kilometres outside of Jakkvikk, you'll be rowing a boat 300m, which may be challenging if it is your first attempt.

Etapp 14 - Tsielekjåkk to Vuonatjviken
One of the longest stretches between accommodation, this wilder section of the King's Trail offers diverse terrain but some stunning views. As it is much wilder and on the edge of the Arctic Circle, you'll encounter a lot more variety of flora and fauna, but this is also where you really start to get the mosquito swarms.

Etapp 01 - Abisko to Abiskojaurestugorna
Much of this section of Kungsleden runs through Birch forest, alongside the rapid river Abiskojåkka, often as a low canyon with some impressive rapids.

Etapp 14 - Bjursjön to Metsjö
A shorter stage of only 13km is marked as a difficult trail and has some areas with ropes to assist climbing; it also has some steep slopes to hike. The final third of the trail, as you reach stage 13, is comfortable

Approximately 110 kilometres around, the Utvandraleden, or Emigrants Trail is a picturesque hike giving you a chance to see some of the sights of Vilhelm Moberg’s quadrilogy of tales abut the Swedish farmers and labourers who headed out to the United States in search of a better life.

Etapp 04 - Jonsered to Lerum
At the end of the season, a friend and I headed out to the forests east of Gothenburg for a short weekend hike. It was the first evening that the temperature dipped to -4 degrees and so we had a very cold evening.

Etapp 05 - Jonsered to Angereds Kyrka
The trail is marked as difficult and goes through some heavily wooded areas with some steep climbs. In total, it is 12 kilometres.

Annapurna Trail: Day 1
After about an hour of bouncing along the roads, once we’d managed to make it out of Kathmandu, we got our first proper glance at the Himalayas. They are, in a word, breathtaking.