Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.

- Cindy Ross

Etapp 17 - Adolfstrom to Rävfallet
Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw Kungsleden Sebastian Shaw

Etapp 17 - Adolfstrom to Rävfallet

Starting with a hike or optional boat ride along the lake, the trail from Adolfstrom to Rävfallet is one of the longest sections. It starts with forest hiking before moving up to above the treeline and hiking along plains and rocks. A reasonable section of the trail, with Sjnulttjie as an option, if the weather turns bad, Be aware, a few kilometres around Sjnulttjie, you pass through a bird sanctuary with restrictions on where you can camp. Much of the rest of the trail to Rävfallet is in the shadow of the nearby hills and on good trails, with the final section in a deep forest before you come to find the cabin at Rävfallet.

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