Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; You have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.
- Cindy Ross

Trail 01 - Trollkyrkerundan
Perhaps the most challenging trail in the forest for its size, you will be climbing two challenging hills just under five kilometres long. Stora and Lila Trollkyrka. The trail shares a long section with trail 5 (Blue) and gives you the chance to see the two famous hills and a few other sights.

Trail 04 - Trehörningsrundan
The longest single trail in the park, the purple Trehörningsrundan, circumnavigates the lake. Entering from Vitsands it would be easy to assume it is an easy and often walkwayed hike, but it is actually one of the most challenging to complete.

Trail 05 - Oxögabergsrundan
One of the longer trails in the park is winds between rift valleys and faults formed a thousand million years ago. Much of the hike is through mossy wet spruce forests, but at one point, you reach Tjádersogen.

Trail 09 - Stigmansrundan
Connecting to both the purple (4) and white trails (7), Sigmansrundan is a medium length trail through primary undergrowth and old-growth forest. It is fairly easy, and you can move quickly through it. There is a mix of lichen and dry areas along with fairly humid forests. We found a likely looking large rock, climbed up and had lunch there, watching people walk past us.

Trail 07 - Junker Jägarerundan
Squire Hunter’s trail is fairly short, twice the length of Tärnekullerundan, and does not have the same variety of terrain to make it as interesting, but it does have two particular things to make it worth while. Firstly it is a good bridge onto trail 9, rather than using the purple trail, and secondly, there is the famous Boulder.

Trail 03 - Tärnekullerundan
Tärnekullerundan was perhaps the best trail in the park that we hiked despite being 1.3 kilometres long.