- Tom G. Palmer



  • Belize

    Belize is so raw and so clear and so in-your-face.

  • Costa Rica

    Costa Rica seduced the young solo traveler me … with visions of tropical beaches, smoking volcanoes, abundant wildlife and friendly locals

  • Dominican Republic

    Description goes here
  • Guatemala

    On December 21, we will be celebrating in Guatemala the beginning of a new era in accordance with the calendar of the Mayan civilization.

  • Mexico

    Mexico is a mosaic of different realities and beauties.

  • United States of America

    America has as much diversity in peoples as it does in geographies.

Read the latest posts about North America…

United States of America Sebastian Shaw United States of America Sebastian Shaw

Los Angeles

I’ve visited LA twice. Once in 2010 on a road trip from San Diego to San Francisco (via Yosemite) and once in 2019 to visit family. Both trips were very different experiences for me, but between them, I’ve seen a lot of what LA has to offer.

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United States of America Sebastian Shaw United States of America Sebastian Shaw


We walked into town. The main street was a recreation, much like Old Town in San Diego. Full of tourist trap stores, more Disney than anything else. Once we went through this area however and got into the center everything changed.

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United States of America Sebastian Shaw United States of America Sebastian Shaw


It is very hard to convey the sense of scale of the trees. In a picture they often look like regular trees because there are no context clues, it is only if you see them with a person, or see a car driving through the gap in the Clothespin that you really understand how large these trees actually are.

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United States of America Sebastian Shaw United States of America Sebastian Shaw


We arrived in Sonoma and checked into the hotel, which was really nice. Old for America, having been built in the eighteen hundreds. It had a rooftop pool that we used after dark and ancient style lift, with brass grates and everything.

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United States of America Sebastian Shaw United States of America Sebastian Shaw

Santa Cruz

Jumping back on the Highway One, we zoomed into Santa Cruz and checked in to a Knights Inn. Seems like a nice place and we've got a decent sized room right by the broad walk, but it was cheap, but maybe too cheap.... It's a little disconcerting and made us wonder if this was a bad part of town.

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United States of America Sebastian Shaw United States of America Sebastian Shaw

San Simeon

The following morning, I dragged myself out of bed at about nine for breakfast, and decided against the pool as I may drown (and enjoy it as a preferable alternative) and I drove us to Hearst castle. It is very impressive, he was a newspaper magnate and was worth an absolute fortune...

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United States of America Sebastian Shaw United States of America Sebastian Shaw


Out of Santa Monica and through Malibu was beautiful, it was a really nice way to start the drive. I was driving that morning, and about twelve, we went to pull off the main highway to try and drive along a bridge to a private island we saw, unfortunately it was a proper private island and we were thwarted by the large iron gates!!

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United States of America Sebastian Shaw United States of America Sebastian Shaw

San Diego

Once checked in we wandered down to the gas lamp quarter to have a look around and find some dinner. Most of the buildings were from prohibition era and got ignored by the city and its residents afterwards as it became a bad area with a lot of bootlegging.

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