

Tuna is a tiny place outside of Eskilstuna (which was itself originally called just Tuna) and is a retail park, the Zoo and amusement park and an ancient castle. Tuna itself has a population of under three hundred people.

Sights & Culture

Tuna Park

A large retail park about fifteen minutes outside of Eskilstuna by bus is a typical retail park with an indoor shopping mall and larger outdoor shops. You'll likely be able to find anything you need there, as long as it comes from a chain store.

Parken Zoo

A stop or two before Tuna Park on the way out of Eskilstuna is the Parken Zoo and amusement park. A good-sized zoo, reminiscent of the Alpen Zoo in Austria. The animals have good-sized enclosures, an advantage to a zoo further out from the main cities in a country as spacious as Sweden.

I managed to catch the feeding of some of the monkeys on their island.

I was also just in time for the Lions' feeding, though visibility was poor as the glass was streaked with mud from their playing in the past.

Stenby Fornborg

Directly behind the Tuna Park shopping centre's car park, in the forest, stands the remains of the Stenby Fornborg. A castle ruins over 1500 years old, it is found by following a game trail from a subtle signpost.

If you didn't know it was there, you would never think to look, and even if you saw it, it would take an expert to be able to distinguish the pile of rocks as something artificial. Imagining the forest cleared and the stones secured, you can understand the commanding position the fort would have held in the area.

It is a strange thing to visit, akin to the Sigurd stone, in that it is a piece of ancient history, fascinating in its way and completely abandoned, left to the curious to find.




