

I stopped in Katrineholm for a few hours in between connections to Gothenburg. I'd originally planned to only have thirty minutes there, but once I'd finished at the Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna, there wasn't much keeping me there, so I thought I'd see a bit more of Katrineholms.

It's a stop on the Gothenburg to Stockholm fast train, so I'd been assuming it would be a fairly large and busy place. Thirty years ago, it was a fairly major industrial town, with Eriksson and Scania having a dramatically reduced presence. 

Owing to these two things, it has become something of a commuter location to Stockholm for people looking for a quieter place to live. At barely an hour outside Stockholm, it has not felt the need to grow its own shopping or dining culture, and so there are only the basics. The local tourist bureau recommends on its main page the chain pub O'Leary's as a venue for dining in the town.

There are still some sights to see and scattered through the town; red posts with historical information can be found in key locations.

Sights & Culture

Mariakyrkans Församling

Near to the City Park is a small but nice looking Church.

Katrineholms Stadspark

The city park is surprisingly large and has an open-air theatre at the far end, beds of flowers and surrounds a civic building. It is a very nice spot on a sunny day.

Katrineholms kyrka

Somewhat isolated, north of the train station, is the larger Church, with a traditional Swedish style.




