

Sights & Culture

Lyckå Slottsruin

Hidden in a field behind a shopping outlet, Lyckå Slottsruin is a small but impressive reminder of a Danish border castle. The ruin was renovated in 2014 to prevent further decay, although the renovations are somewhat obnoxiously modern.

Construction started in 1545, and the castle served as the main Danish military base in the area. When the nearby border town of Kristianopel was built in the 17th century, Lyckå was used as building materials. Still, its robust construction meant even bombarded with canons, much of the lower levels remain today.

A firepit and various cans show that the castle ruins are used, not just by interested amateur historians but by locals looking for somewhere to have a party. This availability of historical sights is frequent across Sweden, with priceless artefacts like Sigurd's Stone, only by a road for visitors to see.


Restaurants & Bars

Hai Son

Amiralen, the shopping mall and outlet near to Lyckå Slottsruin has an Asian buffet with a decent spread of options.




