

Gothenburg is Sweden's second city, with a suburban population creeping above one million, it crams a lot into a small space. Also known as lilla London, due to its climate, and historic connection to London it is the home of Volvo, a hub for music and a city edged on one side by the water and islands of the archipelago and on the other by the forests of Bohus.

Sights & Culture

Skansen Kronan


Göteborg Domkyrkan


Museums & Galleries

Maritiman Museum

I recently went to the Maritiman museum in Gothenburg, it is unusual because rather than being a museum about maritime facts, it is a collection of ships you can explore. They’ve got a variety. The most impressive being a battleship and a submarine.  It’s not easy taking interesting photographs of static ships tied up together, you either end up with overlapping items, or you crop too close and lose anything interesting. 

The submarine was an interesting experience, it was tough enough being in the confined space with two other people for 10 minutes walking end to end, doing it for weeks at a time with a dozen others, when there was no fresh air because you’re below the sea is a difficult thing to contemplate.

Volvo Museum

I recently went to the Volvo Museum, and considering what I spend my day job doing, it seemed appropriate. Its a little difficult to get to from town, but it is a great space and the history of Volvo is interesting. museums are rarely places you can capture interesting images, but some of the images came out well.


Parks & Gardens

Botanical Gardens

It has been quite some time since I did any dedicated macro photography, and I was very quickly aware I was out of practice at doing it. It took me more than a few shots to recall I should be on a high shutter speed to remove the camera shake from having such a small area to focus on. I did manage to get a few nice images of the flowers in bloom however.

I also climbed to the highest point and got a nice view over Linnegatan.


Slottskogen is a large park in Gothenburg, and it is often the venue for a number of social events. Additionally, it has a range of animals. Walking past I saw the Seals, Penguins and Geese that all live there. Apparently there are also Elk to find. Following that, I went to the observatory, which was unfortunately closed.


Restaurants & Bars






Sports & Activities





