

Åre is Swedens most famous ski resort. Not as far north as you might expect it is still a long way from Stockholm or Gothenburg. Travel there can be done by flying to the nearby airport and taking the bus or the more enjoyable Night Train, sleeping in a cabin and waking up at 8am on arrival in Åre ready to ski.

Restaurants & Bars

The town is a decent size and has a number of restaurants to recommend it, it also has a lot of places to buy gear and clothes and the town sits along side the river, giving it, in the summer, a pleasant view. 



Åre is both town and ski resort and so there are all the normal amenities you would expect as well as a range of options to level up your ski wear.


Sports & Activities

Åre Resort

The resort itself is a good size, nothing close to the Alps but with enough unique runs to keep you occupied for a long weekend or a 5 day trip. The weather at the summit can be bitingly cold with the wind, and considering its location is much further north than the Alps, it is easy to assume that late season will be warmer than it actually is. Unlike Norway, the runs are really on high hills rather than mountains. 

There are a few hotels actually on the slopes, though these book up very early.




