

Varberg is a fairly small town, and much of its shopping closes at 4pm, not really a surprise when Gothenburg is under 30 minutes away by train. Most of the shops are within a street or two of the shopping mall, and it is largely chain stores you will see elsewhere in Sweden.

Sights & Culture


One of the most impressive buildings in Varberg is the Societén, a restaurant and bar in an old building near to the fortress. Set over two floors it is reminiscent of a upper class summer home.


Next to the Societén, is Lottastugan, a small venue for custom exhibitions and shows. Listed as a museum on google, it is more an available space.

Gallerian Varberg

Most of Varberts shops, at least the generic ones, are in the Gallerian, which closes early. Espresso House, H&M, Clas Ohlson and similar are found here, and it shares a space with the Systembolaget and the small cinema.

Opposite the Gallerian is a small park with a series of interesting sculptures dotted through it, well lit at night.

Varbergs Fästning

Inside or outside of the summer season, the main attraction is the Fortress of Varberg. Parts of which date from the 13th century. It is visible along much of the coast of Varberg and even has a rear moat, limiting access to only the north and the south.

Like many fortresses and castles, which were in continued use, you can see the changes and new buildings and extensions as you explore. 

The wind off the water is bitterly cold during the winter, and the sea when I visited was calm, giving a sharp quiet to the fortress, enhanced by the fact there were only a few other people in the grounds.

There is even a small hostel offering beds in the fortress cells for those who are interested in experiencing the way people lived in the past.


A uniquely Swedish building, at the end of a promenade is the bath house, with a cafe in the centre offering a well needed hot chocolate in the cold, on the right is the men’s bathing and the left the women’s. These offer stairs down into the ocean in a protected bathing space. It is a little like the opposite of a sauna in the ice water. 

Even in the middle of winter, with snow on the ground and the arctic wind coming through, the ever tough Swedes were lining up to bathe.

Vattentornen Albert och Frida

Far to the south of Varberg are the linked water towers Albert and Frida. Hidden behind a hotel and a office park, the water towers are an interesting pair of buildings. Surrounded by forrest, and up a short Albert was build in 1916 and Frida in 1926, and were refurbished in 2001. 

They were named after two doctors who worked in the Sanatorium that was there during the first world war.

Albert and Frida Water Towers


Museums & Galleries

Hallands kulturhistoriska museum

In the centre of the fortress, the culture and history museum takes one full side of buildings. Clearly recently renovated, the museum is mostly on the first floor. The collections are slightly unusual, being more focused on significant items through the history of Varberg and Halland county, there is a carved and painted ancient stone.

There is also the remains of the Bocksten Man and his unique dress from the 14th century.

As well as the Kulknappen – the shot that is assumed to have killed Carl XII.

It is not a particularly large museum, but it is well laid out, child friendly and gives an interesting insight into the history of Varberg.

There was also a small temporary exhibit of the painters of the Varbergsskola, who spent some time in Varberg painting the landscapes in different styles.


Parks & Gardens

Strandpromenaden Varberg

With snow on the ground, and a temperature that felt like -15 degrees Celsius, the coast of Varberg was quiet, but there were still dedicated dog walkers and some enthusiastic runners in layered clothes.

The landscape is bleak, the rocks were lightly dusted with snow and the water was a flat grey, reflecting the grey cloudy sky. Briefly the sun burned through the cloud cover and the shallow water lapping the stones took on a golden cast.


Along the coast, past the nude male bathing area is Ankaret, the Anchor, a large statue marking a popular location for picnics and swimming in the summer.

Barnens badstrand

North of the Fortress is the Children’s Beach, the only sand beach in Varberg. During the winter, it was deserted and it was my first experience with a snow covered sand beach. The water froze the sand, making it crunch underfoot. The water curves in a bay past the fortress, making it a sheltered spot that is no doubt extremely popular during the summer months.

English Park

Opposite the Gallerian is a small park with a series of interesting sculptures dotted through it, well lit at night.


Restaurants & Bars

dell' Amore

A cosy Italian restaurant opposite the cinema, it does an excellent mini-pizza starter as well as some great pasta.

Kafé Längan

In the same building as the museum is a small, cosy cafe, offering a small curated selection of meals to patrons. The Kyckling Paj was a great lunch.




