

Warsaw, the capital of Poland, was a destination I visited as a teenager, part of an ECIS Speech and Debate tournament. It was a trip that left an indelible mark on me, not just for the gold medal I won in the impromptu speaking category, but for the haunting visit to Auschwitz and Birkenau labour and death camps. The horrifying remnants of the past, from messages scratched into walls with fingernails to objects made of human skin, were a stark reminder of the darkness of history.

Staying with a local family, I found the culture not too dissimilar to other mainland European countries. The hospitality was warm and welcoming, a stark contrast to the chilling history we were there to witness. This trip was a poignant reminder that travel isn't always about uplifting experiences, but also about understanding and acknowledging the past, no matter how dark it may be.




St Petersburg