

A small city reasonably close to Stockholm and twinned with Norrkopping a short 20 minute train ride away, Lindköping is a surprisingly English spot. There are several English style pubs as well as a traditional chippy.

The city has expanded to the west from the river, making it somwhat unusual in that case. There is a large steel arch over river, though little information as to why.

Sights & Culture

Hotel Slottsparken

In true understated Swedish style, the hotel I was staying at was where ABBA founders Bjorn and Benny met. There is little to celebrate this event other than a small information board on one wall with a signed menu.

Linköpings Domkyrka

The Cathedral of Linköping is impressive and a single spire variety, which is unusual in smaller Swedish towns, who seem to prefer the twin spired variety. Originally a much smaller Romanesque basilica in the 12th Century, it has been expanded and rebuilt several times over the centuries, though in keeping with Linköping' somewhat English tone, there area various English architectural features to the Church such as blind arcades.


With one side facing the square next to the cathedral and the cathedral museum, the City Hall is a large and dominant building with an entertaining guidepost telling distances to various international cities.

Dansbanan i Gamla Linköping

Far back in Old Linköping Outdoor museum, an old fashioned dance hall can be found. Closed during the winters, it is open for summer events.

Gamla vattentornet

Towards the edge of town, the Old Watertower has been converted to a residential building of apartments. Visible and a key part of the skyline of the city.

Folke Filbyter statue

The main attraction in Stora Torget, the Folke Filbyter statue is smaller than you'd expect given that description and lined up on one edge of the square near the bus stops rather than being central. A historic pagan figure, and the progenitor of Clan Bjelbo, who gave Scandinavia numerous famous figures, he is captured in the statue searching for his grand child.

Sankt Lars Kyrka

A surprisingly new church from the 19th century, it does not feature an alter by rather a marble wall.


Museums & Galleries

Östergötlands Museum

In a decision that can only have been made by an artist, the Östergötlands Museum is closed closed for exactly 1000 days for refurbishment.

Linköpings Slotts & Domkyrkomuseum

In a building in front of the cathedral, the Middle ages museum leans hard into the period, with its limited space. The receptionist wears a long black cloak and one of the first exhibits is a pair of mummified black rats which carried the plague.

The ground floor has sets of coins and pottery as well as a family tree showing the coat of arms of various leaders. Upstairs has more precious items as well as weaponry and some costumes for children to wear.

The footings are part of the earliest building, from 1300. Because Medieval Östergötland had a lot of quarries, there were more than the average number of stone churches built.


Further out of town, the free Military Aircraft Museum has a lot of floor space to showcase the assorted planes of Swedish history. The top floor has a series of Interactive exhibits including an overview of all aircraft in Swedish airspace, a tiny wind-tunnel to explore the aerodynamics of wing shape and a fully featured simulator (separate ticket required)

The ground floor is split into two wings. The first has a number of different historic aircraft from Swedish history, including a few from the earliest aviator in Sweden Carl Cederström, (74th certified pilot in the world who died in a plane crash in 1918. There is also aircraft from Sweden's first female aviator, Elsa Andersson. Who died in her third parachute jump in Askersund in 1922.

The second wing, is dedicated to the Cold War and its impact on Sweden as a neurtral power sat between NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries. Because of this, in the 1950s Sweden was one of most powerful air force in the word.

Finally, in the basement lies the remains of a 1952 plane shot down by the Soviets (in Soviet airspace having been caught in a spying run). It took sixty years of searching to find the remains.


Friluftsmuseet Gamla Linköping

Sweden loves its outdoor museums and Linköping is no exception. A short bus-ride outside of town, Gamle Linköping is a large space, backing onto a forest with a number of example houses and shops, some local businesses and a few additional museums.

There is a historic Girls school, a fire station from 1709 and a bank who's gold lettering really stand out in the somewhat drab surroundings. A large barons house can be seen at one edge of the space and a Factory Museum, set with 1920's music helps explain the history of the workers of Linköping. there are several design workshops, in silver, wood and other materials run by local artisans that can be explored.

Östergötlands Järnvägsmuseum

Based in the Vallaskogen park, the tram museum closes for winter.

Grafiska musuem

One of the most interesting museums in Gamle Linköping, the Grafiska Museum contains examples of various manual and semi automated print machines and methods of paper manufacture. In many ways it is a better experience than the Gutenberg Print Museum in Fribourg.

Entrance is free but they encourage you to buy from the shop or donate (Swish is accepted) . The shop sells items produced by the museum, they are still a print shop as well as a museum.


A further museum in Gamle Linköping, the Fenomenmagasinet is an exhibition of historic Linköping from 1694. Set over two floors, it is not a very large space, but gives an interesting outline of the lives of the locals.


Parks & Gardens


A large forest with some traditional buildings set in its acreage, there is also a working farm on one edge along with the Tram Museum. The farm is primarily old buildings with the occasional modern glass structure breaking it up. Live horses are the primary animal you can see and they come up close to visitors.

The forest itself has good well-maintained trails and typical Swedish trees and undergrowth.

Trädgårdsföreningen, Linköping

Set in the southern end of the city, the Botanical garden is a good size and has a restaurant and a garden centre. The central point is a musical fountain, shooting water in time to the broadcast songs.


Restaurants & Bars


A large Italian restaurant in the centre of town right off of Stora Torget, 1854 offers good pizza and good service.


Sports & Activities

Valla Minigolf

Near to the Tram Museum, a miniature golf course can be found.




