

Once a refuge for outlaws during the Middle Ages, Tiveden National Park is now a sanctuary for nature lovers. Whether you're drawn to the towering 15-metre boulder known as the Junker Jägare's stone or the serene forest trails, Tiveden offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty.

Parks & Gardens

Tiveden National Park

A popular and well-maintained national park, about three hours northeast of Gothenburg, Tiveden offers hiking, camping and water-sport opportunities that are well worth exploring.

Read more in the Hiking blog here: Tiveden National Park

Fagertärn Lake

Fagetärn Lake is famous for its vivid red water-lilies, which bloom in the summer months. The story goes a farmer killed his daughter in sacrifice for good crops, and her hearts blood stains the lilies to this day.

When we were there, there were no red lilies, just the normal yellow and white ones which was a disappointment, but does not detract from this beautiful spot. A good path runs around the edge of the lake allowing for access even with some mobility challenges.


Restaurants & Bars

Tiveds Kafferosteri & Café

A cafe in the middle of a small village, with limited signage on the way, is set in a charming house converted to an open plan cafe with a large outdoor space. The Cafe offers a range of speciality teas and coffees to buy on-premises or in packets to take away as well as a great selection of home-baked cakes.

The staff and friendly and often exchange students working in the cafe during their summer break. It's a lovely spot for a bit of a break from hiking and camping and well worth the trip.

Fagertärn Cafe

A small cafe on the lakeside, offering tea and coffee as well as local tourist information. The cafe also does periodic barbecues, bringing in a good local crowd



