

Having seen much of Gozo, a few of us, ditched the big boat and took a small speedboat to Comino run by a bronzed man and his little dog. 

On route we passed through several caves including one with remarkable pink Coral.

Comino is a tiny island with a couple of beach-front cafés and a single hotel. The island is desolate but peaceful.

Comino is known for two things in particular. Firstly, the Blue Lagoon; warm, clear waters.

The second thing that Comino is known for is the Fort sat at the highest point of the island. The fort was prominently featured in the 2002 movie, the Count of Monte Cristo. I took the opportunity to get a bit closer to the Fort, but could not get too close as we were only stopped at the island for a short time.

We then got back onto the large boat and headed back to the hotel, past the Elephant's Head rock.



